Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Commander Obadiah

When the drought had been on for 3 years. God told me to go to Ahab. So while i was walking to the kingdom of Ahab I saw Obadiah one of the believers of God. Obadiah bowed down to me and said" it is really you my lord Elijah." I told him yes, and said go to Ahab and tell him i am here. Obadiah had a confused faced and said" have you heard that Jezebel is killing all the prophets of God. I replied " yes i know." Obadiah said Ahab would kill me if i tell him you Elijah is here. Obadiah then said that if you don't show up like last time then i will surely be killed by Ahab. I said that i will show up at Mt. Carmel and tell Ahab to be there and bring his 850 priests of baal. When they got to Mt. Carmel i said" you have abandoned the Lord, and we will have a showdown of Baals priests and me."

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