Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The battle on Mt. Carmel

God has sent me to tell the people of Israel that baal is not the god of storm. I went to Mt. Carmel to have a showdown against Jezebel and Ahabs priest of baal. I told Jezebel to summon all the priests of baal. I was shocked when i saw tons of people coming and there was about 850 priests of baal. I thought they were just regular people that came to see the battle between the one true God and the god of Baal. I told them that the battle would be cutting a cow up to become a burnt offering to the God or gods we were worshiping. There had to become a pit of fire sent from heaven by one of there gods. So they set up sticks and put the cutted meat. The 850 priests of baal started to worshiping baal by singing very loudly and dancing. I was amazed how they could dance for at least 4 hours straight. While they were singing and dancing i was sitting down by a tree and eating a chicken breast with coco-cola. I yelled to them," maybe your god is busy or cant hear you." I told them that you should be more intense on what your doing. I had the chill when i saw the 850 priests of baal cutting themselves with knives to get the intension of there god. So when it got to the evening i went to the top of the mountain and told my servants to pour water on the wood. Then i yelled " God please let these poeple know that you are the one true God by sending a pit of fire." After a couple of seconds a fire from heaven was sent the people at Mt. Carmel were all amazed and started back worshiping God.

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