Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Cloak i gave Elisha

When God sent the chariot of fire to pick me up. Elisha asked me if he could be as successful as i could have been. I told him that when i get the chariot of fire i will through my cloak and if you catch it you will be as successful as i am. So i told him some tricks to do when i have trouble with a Israelite king, and after awhile the chariot of fire was here. I told Elisha to serve God well and help the kings out. When i got on i through my cloak and Elisha caught it perfectly. At first i was nervous on whether he would catch the cloak, but good thing he did. I wished him luck and went straight to heaven.

I Pray for Rain

After the battle on Mt. Carmel i told Ahab to go get something to eat and drink. When he did i went on top of Mt. Carmel and prayed to God to send them a mighty rainstorm. After they prayer i asked one of my servants to see what was happening in the sea. When my servant came back he told me that there was nothing and everything was in peace and quite. I prayed over and over again till the 7th time and i told my servant to go check on the weather. My servant was running as fast as his leg could bring him and speaked in a exhausted voice" there is a cloud about the size of a person's ring. I told my servant to tell Ahab to ride on a chariot and go back to jezreel, because if i doesn't he will get wiped away. My servant ran as fast as could and spoke to Ahab. Ahab rode on his horse to Jezreel while i was still on top of the mountain. Then God gave me a special strength and i ran faster than Ahab's chariot.

Elijah finds Elisha

When God finished speaking with me at Mt. Horeb I went to find Elisha the next prophet of God. When i found Elisha he was plowing 12 yoke oxen. He went close to him and putted my cloak around him. When he knew it was me Elijah he said " let me kiss my mother and father before i leave." He kissed his mother and father and they said " be safe." He lefted the house and came to me and said " Im ready to go with you." I told him to slaughter the yoke oxen and he did. Then he gave it to the people and they ate. Elisha left and came with me. He became my attendant for along time.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fed By Ravens

After i went to the kingdom of Ahab telling him the bad knews about the drought. I went to Kerith Ravine and got fed by ravens. I was really amazed by Gods power how he could control the ravens to bring food for me. I drank from the Brook were there was plenty of water and got food from the ravens. The ravens brought me all kinds of food like bread and meat. The ravens brought me really dilicious food. After about 3 months the brook went out of water, because there were no rain coming in. The ravens still continued to bring me food, but there wasn't any water for me to drink. God then told me to go to a widow called Zarephath and said they would provide my needs while i am at Kerith Ravine.

The Chariot of Fire

When i done everything God has asked me to do. God told me that a chariot of fire would bring me to heaven. The day i was being sent to heaven i told Elisha that if you catch my robe you have the strength and ability that i had. While i was waiting for the chariot sent from heaven to come i told Elisha somethings that might be helpful for him while he does the work for God. We talked for 30 minutes and when the chariot came i wished luck to Elisha. I was happy, but alittle sad about me going to heaven. I was happy about the part that i will be going to heaven, but i was sad for the fact that i could serve God and help the Israelites any longer. When i got on the Chariot of fire it was really awsome because it was about to sent me straight to heaven and the cahriot fo fire was on fire. I said good bye to Elisha and went to Heaven.

The Commander Obadiah

When the drought had been on for 3 years. God told me to go to Ahab. So while i was walking to the kingdom of Ahab I saw Obadiah one of the believers of God. Obadiah bowed down to me and said" it is really you my lord Elijah." I told him yes, and said go to Ahab and tell him i am here. Obadiah had a confused faced and said" have you heard that Jezebel is killing all the prophets of God. I replied " yes i know." Obadiah said Ahab would kill me if i tell him you Elijah is here. Obadiah then said that if you don't show up like last time then i will surely be killed by Ahab. I said that i will show up at Mt. Carmel and tell Ahab to be there and bring his 850 priests of baal. When they got to Mt. Carmel i said" you have abandoned the Lord, and we will have a showdown of Baals priests and me."

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Running to Mt. Horeb

After the long battle i had with the 850 priests the people of Israel killed them. Then Jezebel told told me that she would be sending men to kill me, because of the battle results. When i heard what Jezebel told me i rode on my horse and headed southward towards Mt. Carmel. I went to Mt. Carmel and told God that i was struggling too much and can't have anymore of it. God did reply by an earthquake, huge storms, and then he whispered in a soft tone. Elijah my prophet you have done a great job during the years. Now this is the last job i will be asking from you. Go back to Israel and anoint Elisha as your successor and Jehu as the new king of Israel. When your done you will be picked up a blazing chariot fire from heaven. Elijah went back and was heading toward Israel the last job assigned from God.

The battle on Mt. Carmel

God has sent me to tell the people of Israel that baal is not the god of storm. I went to Mt. Carmel to have a showdown against Jezebel and Ahabs priest of baal. I told Jezebel to summon all the priests of baal. I was shocked when i saw tons of people coming and there was about 850 priests of baal. I thought they were just regular people that came to see the battle between the one true God and the god of Baal. I told them that the battle would be cutting a cow up to become a burnt offering to the God or gods we were worshiping. There had to become a pit of fire sent from heaven by one of there gods. So they set up sticks and put the cutted meat. The 850 priests of baal started to worshiping baal by singing very loudly and dancing. I was amazed how they could dance for at least 4 hours straight. While they were singing and dancing i was sitting down by a tree and eating a chicken breast with coco-cola. I yelled to them," maybe your god is busy or cant hear you." I told them that you should be more intense on what your doing. I had the chill when i saw the 850 priests of baal cutting themselves with knives to get the intension of there god. So when it got to the evening i went to the top of the mountain and told my servants to pour water on the wood. Then i yelled " God please let these poeple know that you are the one true God by sending a pit of fire." After a couple of seconds a fire from heaven was sent the people at Mt. Carmel were all amazed and started back worshiping God.

Elijah At Kerith Ravine

I fled to Kerith Ravine after I had talked to Ahab. I went to a widow called Zarephath. I asked the widow" can you give me some bread." Zarephath told me that once they finished this flower and water there aren't going to be anymore and they will just die. I told them just give me some bread and i will feed you and your son for eternity. When Zarephath finished making my portion of bread, I asked God to give them some flower and water that would never run out of bread. They feed ed me for 3 years. I thought the Zarephath family was really nice and his son was only 10 years old. After 2 years of living with them Zarephath's son died she sobbed continuously for along time. She asked me to tell God about the died child and give him his life back. I asked God to give the child his life back. I lade on him 3 times and his life was back.

Monday, October 6, 2008

No rain for Ahab from Elijah

When Ahab disobeyed Gods command. I one of Gods prophet was sent to tell Ahab that there would be no rain for 3 years. I was a bit scared that i had to tell the most powerful person in Israel that there is going to be no rain. I asked God if i was the only person to do the work, because i didn't want to get killed by giving a bad message to Ahab. But of course God said i was the only prophet at that time. When i got to the palace of Ahab i mumbled and was talking in a screeching voice " God has sent me to tell you that there will be no rain for 3 years." When Ahab heard that he was furious and acted like he was going to kill me. I got the goose bumps of course, because i knew he was so furious he wanted to kill anything that made him mad. So right when i finished giving the message to Ahab, God told be to head eastward to Kerith Ravine. I stayed there for a couple of years and waited for God to give me a next message to give out to the Israelite king.